I’m A Total Geek for Old Romance.


I miss and crave everything about old fashioned, geeky, and corny romantic moments. We are so god damn trapped by technology that we somehow lost the excitement of old school romance. I’m happily engaged, and my fiancé is probably the most ant-social media person I have ever met.  He hates it, and I adore him for that because I’m the complete opposite. It does make an absloutely perfect match.

I was inspired to write this post last night at Trader Vics. I took a few minutes to observe the people that were hanging out (singles and couples) and I just had so much on my mind that I just wanted to spill out on paper.

The Cell phone- I admit that I am addicted to my cellphone. I really hate it though. I really miss the old days, the days where we couldn’t indulge in sending two or three word texts every minute, and there was no option of sending endless selfies with slightly varying pouts and gradually diminishing sunlight as the day rolls on. Plans were made, and stuck to. There was no ditching, no chance of better outings coming in and someone being avoided – dates were scheduled and penned into a planner.

Breaking it down on the dance floor-Why the hell does no one  dance anymore? This really irritates me. I do not recall the last time I saw a boy asking a girl for a nice romantic slow dance. Why? What happened to all you men out there? In the good, old days, almost everyone would gather on the dance floor and men would lead confidently and never whine.There were nightclubs where big bands would play, and lots of men owned one good suit, and lots of women owned a nice flared skirt and a bright shade of red lipstick. Or am I confusing the past with some particularly vivid scenes from “Hairspray” and “Grease”? Moreover, instead of dancing, we are repeatedly encouraged to watch other people dance while we sit still and stare. This one seems to have been completely lost today, as we seem to have forgotten the innocence and the mystery of a real dance with a boy, not knowing what will happen or where it will lead. Now, we are all about those wild raves where you have to side-step pools of vodka (and tears) on the dance floor. So elegant.

The geeky love letters- I want to talk about the death of love letters for a sec. Sadly, e-mails and lame text messages has triggered the decline of the handwritten meaningful note. If there was a mailing list I could sign up to and have love letters sent to my door I would do it in a heartbeat. Hint to Rami- if he is reading this now. The idea of having something delivered and dropped through a mailbox is so magical and wonderful and women absolutely love it– and would definitely be Instragrammed or tweeted in a second with a backdrop of candles and rose petals.

These old-fashioned romantic moments are too good to be lost on the modern world. Girls and boys, wake up and walk away from the social media world every once in a while. Drop the smartphone, enjoy the moment, and sit with the discomfort of being without your contraceptive surviving relief — the smartphone — and start looking at all the cool and awesome people that have been there the whole time wanting to meet you. You have so much out there waiting for you- you just need to go out there and make it happen.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. ldr13 says:

    I’m all about the old-fashioned romance 🙂 I write my man 2-3 letters a month and mail them. Even when we close the distance I think I will still write him letters sometimes… there’s just something more meaningful about a handwritten letter. Love sending him cute surprises in the mail too and he writes me and sends surprises too sometimes. He really tries cause he knows what a romantic I am :p I love him for it. I don’t see any reason why life shouldn’t be everything we’ve ever dreamed of, all we have to do is make it everything we’ve ever dreamed of :).

  2. YASMINE says:

    I know! and thats how it should be. Glad you are doing so well:)

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